verse 1
Break Thou the bread of life dear Lord to me As Thou didst break the loaves beside the sea
Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee Lord My spirit longs for Thee O living Word
verse 2
Bless Thou the truth dear Lord to me to me As Thou didst bless the bread by Galilee
Then shall all bondage cease all fetters fall And I shall find my peace my all in all
verse 3
Open Thy Word of truth that I may see Thy message written clear and plain for me
Then in sweet fellowship walking with Thee Thine image on my life engraved will be
verse 4
O send Thy Spirit Lord now unto me That He may touch my eyes and make me see
Show me the truth concealed within Thy Word And in Thy Book revealed I see the Lord
verse 5
Break Thou the bread of life dear Lord to me That hid within my heart Thy Word may be
Mold Thou each inward thought from self set free And let my steps be all controlled by Thee